Thursday, May 3, 2012

EarlyTeton Literacy Pre-school Program- Seeking two interns

Early Literacy Pre-school Program- Seeking two interns

What will the Intern be doing?  The intern will be working with four and five year old children entering Kindergarten in the fall.  Morning pre-school classes will focus on school readiness.  The intern will be assisting director in the classroom, engaging children in activities, reading to children and helping with classroom transitions.  
What is the value to the intern?  Interns will gain experience in lesson planning, classroom management, research based best practices for literacy instruction, and time management skills.  The internship will also include structured reflection time in which interns can discover what activities were successful and the reasons behind their success.  Interns will observe student progress and growth throughout 6-week program and have input in curriculum and scheduling decisions.
Who would be the mentor/host?  Fio Lazarte,
Are there prerequisites for intern? Ideally interns will have some previous experience working or volunteering with children. The intern should be passionate about children, have a lot of patience and be able to maintain a calm voice around children and be able to keep children engaged throughout the class time period.
What is the minimum age/grade? 15 years old
Length/schedule of Internship?  Internship 1 : From July 9th – July 26th (3 weeks)  Monday through Thursday from 8am-12pm.
Internship 2: July 30th  - August 16th (3 weeks) Monday through Thursday from 8am-12pm.


Summer Internships: Teton Literacy Center   


To be completed by applicant in blue or black ink, or electronically.

Part I.  Applicant Background Information

A. Student Name _____________________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address _____________________________________________________________________________________

Town ___________________________________     State __________    Zip Code ___________________

Home Phone #_________ - ____________________                              Cell Phone#________________________________

Email Address _____________________________________

B. Who referred you to this program? _______________________________________________________________

C. List any extra-curricular activities you are currently involved in and/or hobbies and interests:




D. Do you have any responsibilities or obligations that could interfere with your ability to commit to the dates and times of this internship? (ie: activities, sports, family)

Circle one:            Yes          No
If yes, please explain:


Part II. Past Work Experience
In the past two years, have you had a job, internship or voluntary position during the school year or the summer? 

Circle one:            Yes          No
If yes, describe your work experience.






Employer Name and phone number for reference ______________________________________________________

Part III. Applicant Essay- Why are you interested in being a summer intern with Teton Literacy? 
Describe your interest in this position, your expectations for a summer internship, any previous experience working with children, and any relevant interests/hobbies. 
(Please attach to the back of this application.  You may type this essay.  If handwritten, please write clearly and legibly and use another sheet of paper.  Minimum length 1 paragraph; maximum length 1 page.)

Part IV.  Please attach a completed letter of recommendation from an adult who is not a family member.

Parte V. Información del padre o Guardian. (completada por el padre o guardian)
Part V. Parent/Guardian Information (to be completed by parent/guardian)
Can be completed in Spanish or English. Puede ser completada en español o ingles.

Name/Nombre _____________________________________Daytime Phone/Telefono# (________) _________-_____________
Why would your son/daughter be a good candidate or this internship? Porqué seria tu hijo/hija un buen candidato para este trabajo?



Student Signature: ______________________________________________                           Date: ________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________                           Date: ________________________

Application Deadline:  May 15, 2012
Thank you for your application!
Teton Literacy Center will contact select students for interviews.

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