Friday, October 24, 2008

Teton County Fair Board Looking for a Youth Liason

The Teton County Fair board looks to create an exceptional fair for the community. Being part of the Fair Board, would enable you to have a say in the planning and preparation of the Teton County Fair. Monthly evening board meetings and 40 hours of service during the Fair are expected for this position.

See Cheryl for details and an application.

Vermont Intercultural Semesters

Vermont Intercultural Semesters (VIS) is an international semester program of cultural immersion, currently in Ladakh, a former Buddhist Kingdom in the Himalaya that is now part of India. VIS is unique because it offers:

Affordability & Accreditation for HS students, who earn 5.5 academic credits.

Cultural immersion – students live with peers abroad for 3-4 months.

Mutually beneficial studies involving both sets of students.

See their website for more details: