Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Both sessions for 14-16 year-olds

Sessions 1 and 2 are offered independent of each other.
Students can take either Session 1 or Session 2 or both.


Based on the Oxbow semester model, these sessions focus on creating project-based art in a wide variety of media. Taught by professional artists and teachers, the first week campers explore the fundamentals in drawing, painting, sculpture, fabrication and photography, to find and develop their own particular interests and creativity.

They are also exposed to a wide variety of artistic styles and different artist's work. They engage in discussions on why artists create and where they get their inspiration from. At that point, they are well prepared to propose a "final project" in the medium of their choice around a topic that has personal relavance to them. The remainer of the session is devoted to working in the studio to bring that piece being. Along the way they learn the steps of the artistic process from idea to creation, peer feedback, reflection and writing about their process, hanging/presenting the piece and having it viewed by the public.

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